A new expansion for Escape from Tall Oaks with components also for Mixtape Massacre. The final 80's Tales from Tall Oaks Expansion.
*Pre-Orders for US Residents Only
Latest Updates from Our Project:
IMPORTANT: FINAL WEEK for Pledge Manager / MonsterMania
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 10:26:38 AM
It is our FINAL WEEK for completing surveys and adding/editing items in your pledge manager.
Currentlywe areat 87% Surveys Completed in our pledge manager. There are 69 of you who have not completed your surveys.
For those who have not completed their surveys, you have untilthis Friday to complete your orders, as we will be locking all orders on Friday, October 13th. Please get your surveys completed as soon as you can to ensure you receive all your rewards.
IMPORTANT: If your rewards include a t-shirt, and you do not complete your surveys on time, we will not be able to guarantee your shirtorsize.
NOTE:Credit cards WILL NOT be charged until January 5th (new date).
Thanks everyone. We look forward to wrapping up this part of the project this week.
MonsterMania Con / Violence Tees
In other news, we will be at MONSTERMANIA CON this weekend in Hunt Valley, MD (Friday - Sunday), so be sure to drop by if you're attending. ALSO, we currently have two limited tees available for pre-order on the site. Those will be available until this Friday, October 13th so grab one or both while you can.
That's going to do it for this update. Talk soon, Slashers!
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
IMPORTANT: 2 Weeks Left for Pledge Manager / Surveys
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 06:29:57 AM
We are currently sitting at 82% Surveys Completed in our pledge manager. Thank you to everyone who has completed their surveys so quickly. This really helps us get quantities locked down for certain limited items.
For those who have not completed their surveys, you have 2 weeks left, as we will be locking all orders on Friday, October 13th. Please get your surveys completed as soon as you can to ensure you receive all your rewards.
NOTE:Credit cards WILL NOT be charged until January 5th (new date).
New Supplies Preview
Need Help / Support?
Use this link and the email you used during Kickstarter to recover your survey: RECOVER SURVEY
Use this link to contact us for support with your Kickstarter Pledge: PLEDGE SUPPORT
That's going to do it for this update. Again, 2 WEEKS LEFT! We too are in our final weeks of prep for printing. So more to come in the next month with updates.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
IMPORTANT: BackerKit - Surveys Are Out (Part 4) / Dice Samples
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 08:06:04 AM
BackerKit Update
All surveys are out, and it looks like we're currently sitting at 68%completion from our backers. If you have not received your survey there are two ways to access it. You can use the BackerKit Lost Survey / Recovery Link and provide your the email used on Kickstarter to access it, OR you can reach out to us for support. You can also refer to Update #10 for FAQs and a walkthrough on using BackerKit.
Please remember, Surveys must be completed by October 13th. After that, no changes or additions will be able to be made to your orders/rewards. It is also important for anyone getting one of our exclusive tees to have your shirtsize chosen by then. If your size is not provided by then, a shirt in your size cannot be guaranteed. Lastly, Credit cardsthat you provide to BackerKit WILLNOT be charged until December 1st.
Also a quick note about Tees: there was an error in the system showing the T-Shirt was $54.00. This has been resolved and is the price it was on Kickstarter for those interested.
Dice Samples
We also received Dice Samples this week for both the expansion and our Kickstarter Exclusive Bubblegum Action Dice which can be seen below. Both dice have been approved for mass production.
That's going to do it for this update. Hope everyone's week is off to a nice start. More to come.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
IMPORTANT: Pledge Manager / BackerKit Surveys Going Out (Part 3)
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 07:09:02 AM
Today is the day. Smoke Test went great and now ALL SURVEYS are heading out (by the time you are reading this they will already have been sent). Prompt responses to these will make the process quicker for everyone, BUT, you do have until October 13th to respond, before surveys are locked and you will not be able to edit or add to your order. (Credit cards will not be charged for shipping or additional balances until December 1st).
If you have ANY questions or are having issues with the pledge manager, please refer to this update link which should answer almost all your questions:Update #10: Pledge Manager.
Also, PRE-ORDERS are now open if you have any friends who missed out.
With that said, everyone have a great weekend and we'll have another update early next week as a follow up. Now... LET'S DO THIS.
-- Freddie, Matt, and MJ
IMPORTANT: Pledge Manager / BackerKit Smoke Test (Part 2)
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 04:32:37 PM
By the time you read this, our Smoke Test will be out, meaning surveys will be sent to 5% of backers for a quick test. This is our last test to make sure the pledge manager is 100%. If you do not receive your survey, DO NOT WORRY, it just means you're not part of the Smoke Test, and your survey will be sent in the next 24 - 48 hours. An update will be sent when ALL SURVEYS have been sent.
If you have questions or need assistance in using the pledge manager, please refer to our previous update available at this link: Previous Update Available Here
Happy Wednesday and more to come in the next few days.