
Mixtape Massacre: Time Warp Expansion

Created by Bright Light Media

A new expansion for Escape from Tall Oaks with components also for Mixtape Massacre. The final 80's Tales from Tall Oaks Expansion. *Pre-Orders for US Residents Only

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Manufacturing In Progress / Boring Admin Work
11 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 07:39:18 AM

Hey Slashers,

Since our last update, manufacturing has been going great (but as we all know from other Kickstarters... this is a long process). We're currently waiting for them to finish printing, as when printing is complete, they will be sending us the MPC (final manufactured copy of the game) for us to approve. From there, once we provide approval on the final copy, they will pack up all the games and put them on the boat and send them our way.

In the meantime, we've been doing the boring admin work such as:

  • Approving box markings on the boxes everything will be packed into so it's organized for shipment and to be received at our warehouse
  • Approving shipping plans
  • Providing approval for our copyrighted goods to go through customs
  • Ordering additional rewards and packing supplies on our end to be prepared for fulfillment

As you'll see below... examples of... the real "exciting" stuff


Originally we were going to record a video with the PPC of the game, but as we started recording and looking at some of the character pieces on the video, we realized this would not be a good representation of the game (as all pieces in the PPC are not cut the same way they are during manufacturing). So once the MPC is received, after approval, we'll record a video as it should properly be done.

Until then, we hope everyone is enjoying their Spring. We'll have more fun news once the MPC is on our possession.

Stay safe (but not too safe), and let us know if you're currently have any Mixtape game nights. Be sure to tag us on the socials.

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

Mass Production Underway
about 1 year ago – Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 08:06:47 AM

Hey Slashers!

Checking in to let you know that the manufacturers returned last week from their holiday and mass production is underway. During their time away, we used that time to revise any files that needed editing such adjusting colors, cut lines, final proofreading of all materials, etc. But now, all files have been submitted and mass printing has begun.

This process can be almost 2 months, so during this time, we'll be getting all additional rewards ordered and printed (shirts, pins, etc)

Below you'll find some photos from the PPC version of the game we received with some of the contents of the expansion:

We were delayed due to our day jobs and travel on getting the video together, but hope to have that ready for the next update coming in April. Until then, thanks for all the support, slashers!

Everyone have a great weekend!

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

PPC Has Arrived
about 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 08:02:52 AM

Hey Slashers!

After weeks of waiting and delays due to shipping issues, the PPC has arrived to us for review.

Next Steps

We will be spending the next we reviewing the different components, and provide any updated files to the factory to prepare for final manufacturing. We will also be putting together a video for socials which we'll share the link to on here once ready and available.

Please note: the factory is currently on break as of February 3, and will return on the 25th, which works out well for us, because we can finalize all files during this time and have the items ready for production for their return.

Look for our next update within the next week once we've finished our review.

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

PPC Update
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 10:23:11 AM

Hey Slashers,

Just checking in with a quick update regarding the PPC. The PPC had been shipped to us 2 weeks ago, and as we've been following it's tracking, we were alerted last week it had arrived at customs and has since been sitting there.

We were informed by the manufacturer that it should be moving next week and has been caught with many other packages in a backup / delay at customs due to recent weather activity.

As soon as it arrives, we will review the PPC, provide an update as well as a video of it for you to watch, and provide final checks to the manufacturer before the final printing.

Thanks for your patience. Next update should be better and more fun news.

Have a good weekend, Slashers!

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ

BackerKit: Credit Cards Charged
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jan 06, 2024 at 08:10:26 AM


A quick update to let you know, all credit cards have been charged. Remember, that these charges are for shipping or any additional add-ons added during the BackerKit phase. Your original pledge was charged by Kickstarter. You will only be charged for your original pledge if your card failed during the Kickstarter phase.

Also happy to report that only 46 accounts had issues during the process. If you're one of these people, DO NOT WORRY, you will receive a notification from BackerKit and can update your information to finish the BackerKit process.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

We'll have an update coming in a couple weeks once our new PPC and dice arrive from the manufacturer. We'll provide a video breakdown of all those video components once we've received and review them. Once reviewed, we'll be able to provide an updated schedule for the project.

Thanks everyone. Have a great weekend!

-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ