A new expansion for Escape from Tall Oaks with components also for Mixtape Massacre. The final 80's Tales from Tall Oaks Expansion.
*Pre-Orders for US Residents Only
Latest Updates from Our Project:
BackerKit: Credit Cards to Be Charged Tonight
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 11:58:55 AM
Just a reminder that your credit cards will be charged tonight, Friday, January 5th, at 8PM EST.
This charge will appear on your credit card bill either as BRIGHT LIGHT MEDIA, LLC or MIXTAPE / FLOAT (as it's all the same company).
1) If your card fails for any reason, DO NOT WORRY, you will be notified by BackerKit and be given the opportunity to update the card on file or correct any issues.
2) As noted the charge should say MIXTAPE / FLOAT or BackerKit on your credit card statement. Please DO NOT report this charge as an error to your credit card company. We've had a few backers do this in the past and it has lead to them not receiving their rewards.
And that's it. Please reach out with any questions and have a great weekend.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
Backerkit: Cards Will Be Charged This Friday
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Jan 03, 2024 at 08:26:55 AM
A quick reminder that this Friday, January 5th, we will be charging cards for your shipping fees and any add-ons you added during the BackerKit process. This charge will appear on your credit card bill as MIXTAPE / FLOAT.
1) If your card fails for any reason, DO NOT WORRY, you will be notified by BackerKit and be given the opportunity to update the card on file or correct any issues.
2) As noted the charge should say MIXTAPE / FLOAT or BackerKit on your credit card statement. Please DO NOT report this charge as an error to your credit card company. We've had a few backers do this in the past and it has lead to them not receiving their rewards.
Shipping Addresses
As we are still going through the PPC and Manufacturing process, you do not need to worry about your address being final at this time. But at any point if you need to update your address you can do so through BackerKit. If you need to access your account you can do so by using the link below and providing the e-mail address you used on Kickstarter:
That's going to do it for this update. We hope your New Year has started off nice, and we'll be in touch soon.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
PPC / BackerKit Reminder
about 1 year ago
– Sun, Dec 24, 2023 at 05:17:01 AM
Hey Slashers,
As it's Christmas Eve, we want to first say to all of you... HAPPY HOLIDAYS! We hope you all have a great end of the year, and wish you the best in 2024.
We wanted to take this time to provide a quick update on a few things:
All print files from our end have been reviewed and approved so we're just awaiting the PPC (basically a prototype of the final game). Obviously with the holidays there are delays, but once we receive the PPC, we'll be able to make any final decisions on the expansion before we click PRINT and manufacturing begins. So we're just... waiting :). Once received we'll do a fun little unboxing video to show off all the pieces and breakdown some of the components for you.
Please remember that on January 5th, we will be charging all cards on fileon BackerKit for shipping and any extra add-ons you added during the BackerKit process. Please make sure your card on file is up to date.
And that's going to do it for this update. Enjoy your little break and you'll be hearing from us soon.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
Print Review Process / Artwork Preview / Looking for Input
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 06:44:45 AM
Hey Slashers,
We wanted to check in with a brief update before the Turkey Day holiday. We're currently in the thick of things now with the print review process.
For those who haven't been a part of our Kickstarters before, this is where we are revising any files due to color issues, margin issues, revising text, etc. Basically just perfecting the product for print.
As we head into the holiday, and while we're addressing those things over the next couple weeks, we thought we'd share a preview of some of the art from the game.
Artwork Preview
Final Box Artwork
Killer Scenes from the Expansion
Supplies from the Expansion
Time Killer Pack Killer Scenes Preview (We're not spoiling the rest)
Time Killer Supplies Pack Preview
Video Component
We've been discussing the possibility of a video component with this expansion for theendings. This would not be included in the box, obviously (so it also doesn't slow down us finishing the game), but would be available online through YouTube and our Website.
So this is where we're looking for input from you? How do you feel about a part of the game being video? Does this ruin the sanctity of it being a board game and offline for you, or do you feel it fits in nicely with the theme of the game and would be a cool addition / element for the game? Sound off in the comments area below.
That's going to do it for this update. For all our US backers, a very happy Turkey Day! For those around the world, have a great weekend.
-- Freddie, Matt, & MJ
IMPORTANT: FINAL NOTICE Before Locking Surveys/Orders
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 12:45:48 PM
You'll be receiving a "FINAL NOTICE" from BackerKit concerning the locking of your orders / surveys. This is your last chance to confirm your order and make any additions / revisions to them before your orders are locked.
After the next 48 hours, ALL ORDERS WILL BE LOCKED. You will still be able to update your address, but that's it.
Reminder: Credit cards WILL NOT be charged until January 5th.
Need Help / Support?
Use this link and the email you used during Kickstarter to recover your survey: RECOVER SURVEY
Use this link to contact us for support with your Kickstarter Pledge: PLEDGE SUPPORT
And that's it! We'll be at MonsterMania Con this weekend, so if you're attending, please drop on by the booth. Otherwise be sure to follow us on Twitter (X) / Instagram if you want to see some sights from the show and other fun things occurring over the next few weeks.